The Men's Hockey World Cup 2018 organised by FIH was held in Odisha, India. Quidich jumped at the opportunity and wanted to be a part of the team to enhance the broadcast value! The 2018 World Cup then became the first-ever Hockey World Cup to have drone coverage as a part of its worldwide broadcast.

Like a number of other sports, hockey broadcast has also traditionally been dominated by stationary cameras. It was Director Deepak Gupta, who we had worked with for other sports broadcasts, who insisted on having drones and using them as broadcast cameras and being an integral part of the gameplay coverage. Most of the corner shots and penalty shots were taken live on the CopterQam providing a new, far more engaging perspective to viewers and fans at home.

What added further to the excitement was the broadcast-grade AR Graphics that we delivered on a drone camera system, through Spatio, our proprietary wireless tracking engine. Features like the player line-ups, team scores and World Cup trophy, were overlaid on the drone feed of the stadium, giving a larger than life experience.

The Broadcast Executive Producer mentioned that, "Quidich has changed the way Hockey is seen in India".

“It was a proud moment to see our operators deliver such spectacular shots, at Quidich, it is our combined focus to bring better technology into the film and broadcast industry” 

Gaurav Mehta, Co-founder & Business Head - Quidich

Media Coverage

World Cup TV coverage reaches a record 194 countries!
